Saturday, May 21, 2011

Switching to VoIP

Now that we're using cable Internet I decided now would be a good time to switch phone carrier to a VoIP service. Which one? Well, not going to say, except:
  • It's not Vonage. Woo-hoo. Woo-woo-hoo. Yeah, I can't go with someone who advertises like that.
  • It's not MagicJack. I have no great desire to have a computer running Windows permanently hooked up to the 'net somewhere in my house.
  • It's not, from what I can figure out, one of the zillion cookie-cutter VoIP companies that all appear to be fronts for the same organization.
  • I'd never heard of them until I started researching.
  • They made a big deal about having their customer support centers being in the US, which is a good thing (jobs, jobs, jobs), assuming they're not working under Indian Call Center conditions anyway.
  • They are backed by a company that I can't find anything overly negative about, and they have been around for a few years.
As it was, I ended up using the reviews on Broadband Reports to find and pick the company in question.

I will let you know my experience in a few weeks. Thus far, I'm waiting for the ATA (the thingie that hooks up to your router) and they're in the middle of porting my number too. While they allow BYOD, I can't do that until I hook up the official ATA, apparently. I may experiment with Asterisk at some point in the future, but for now, one step at a time.

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